The IPNDV held its Phase III Interim Review from November 29 to December 2, 2021. This virtual event was a planned stock-taking after the first two years of the partnership’s third phase of work. Experts and senior officials from Partner governments used the time to review prior work, discuss progress and lessons learned, and chart a way forward for the next four years.
During Phase III of its work, the IPNDV is continuing a deeper exploration of concepts related to the design of verification approaches to build confidence over time and conducting exercises to test these concepts. This interim review meeting served as an opportunity for the Partnership to consider its priorities and the goals for the next year.
Across the four days of meetings, discussions focused on ways to broaden the scope of nuclear dismantlement verification exercises and to increase engagement both within the IPNDV and with other countries and international organizations.
The Head of Delegation session was held on December 1, 2021, where opening remarks were given by the Senior Vice President of NTI, Carmen MacDougall, and Michael Edinger, on behalf of Alexandra Bell, Senior Bureau Official at the US State Department’s Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance. Following opening remarks, the heads of delegation took the floor to voice their continued support for the Partnership and to identify priority issues for future work.