In a speech to the inaugural meeting of the International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification, NTI Vice Chairman, Des Browne, urged representatives from more than two dozen countries to collaborate, compromise, and share bold ideas, as they work to build capacity for verifying future arms control and nonproliferation agreements. The new Partnership, which includes nuclear weapon states and non-nuclear weapon states, is a joint U.S. State Department -NTI initiative aimed at developing a transparent, credible, and sustainable plan for multilateral disarmament.
“For far too long, the international community has shied away from the responsibility of confronting the verification challenges that come with disarmament,” Browne said. “For far too long, we have talked about multilateral disarmament, without developing the tools that will actually get us there. Today, you are taking action. Today, you are taking a bold step toward building global verification capacity that will ensure that future disarmament efforts are both credible and irreversible.”
Read the speech