On May 7th IPNDV participants took part in a side event at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee Meeting to discuss the practical activities of the International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV). With the program well into its second multi-year phase, the IPNDV is taking its work from “paper to practice” through hands-on exercises and technology demonstrations. These activities include an exercise on verification of non-diversion of materials around a simulated nuclear warhead dismantlement called “NuDiVe,” led by Germany and France, and a Belgian-led demonstration assessing technology methods to detect the presence or absence of nuclear material. Both activities will include participants from several of the 25+ IPNDV partner countries.
This event was hosted by Germany’s Foreign Office. Speakers included:
- Ambassador Peter Beerwerth, Permanent Representative of Germany to the Conference on Disarmament
- Alexandre Quinet, Ministère des armées (France)
- Irmgard Niemeyer, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany)
- Klaas van der Meer, SCK-CEN Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
- Andrew Newman, Nuclear Threat Initiative
Presentations and photos from the event can be found below.