Established in 2014 with support from more than 25 countries, with and without nuclear weapons, the International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV) began it’s third phase of its work in January 2020.
Continuing to emphasize the shift from “paper to practice,” the IPNDV has combined analytic work and exercises to advance the goals of developing, testing, evaluating, and refining concepts and approaches that can help build a tool kit for future nuclear disarmament verification. Phase III continues to reinforce the judgment from the first two phases that multilateral nuclear disarmament verification should be possible while protecting sensitive information.
Over four days from November 29 to December 2, 2021, the Partners held an Interim Review Meeting to take stock of the work done since the launch of Phase III in January 2020. They reviewed this work with an eye toward refining their Programme of Work and setting work streams and priorities for the remainder of Phase III. This report highlights the accomplishments of the past two years and the direction of the Partnership going forward.