- Working Groups:
- Phase I - Working Group 1: Monitoring and Verification Objectives
- Phase I - Working Group 2: On-Site Inspections
- Phase I - Working Group 3: Technical Challenges and Solutions
- Phase II - Working Group 4: Verification of Nuclear Weapon Declarations
- Phase II - Working Group 5: Verification of Reductions
- Phase II - Working Group 6: Technologies for Verification
Terms of Reference
The ability to anticipate and understand specific nuclear disarmament monitoring and verification challenges states will likely need to address in the future directly affects how much confidence states may have in the results. A robust discussion about the steps in the nuclear disarmament process, the types of information or verification that might be needed, and the tasks to be performed will be an important element in building confidence and will contribute to future disarmament verification efforts.
The Working Group on Monitoring and Verification Objectives (WG1) examined key phases of the nuclear weapons lifecycle and assess potential monitoring and verification objectives, methods and activities for each of these phases, including the deployment and storage of nuclear warheads through the disassembly and dismantlement process to the disposition of nuclear materials arising from dismantlement. By focusing initially on nuclear warhead dismantlement, states will be able to deepen their understanding of the problems and potential solutions. This focus will also allow policy and technical experts to discuss the respective roles of states with and without nuclear weapons and to characterize the level of confidence states believe they need to have in the results.